In 2013, as CIFOR turned 20, we reflected on our many achievements. We are proud to have brought the value of forests to the world’s attention, helped strengthen forest policy globally, established relationships with local and international partners, and built the largest body of global forestry research.
On this foundation, we look to the future and to how we can continue to have real and positive impact. To meet the interlinked challenges of population growth, climate change and intensified competition for land, CIFOR has formed a vision that embraces an integrated approach to land management and redefines forestry for sustainable development.
To translate this vision into reality, we have been at the forefront of a global shift in thinking toward a combined, cross-sector approach: a landscapes approach.
The value of a landscapes approach was confirmed when CIFOR, with our partners, led the inaugural Global Landscapes Forum on the sidelines of the UN climate change talks in Warsaw. The Forum brought together experts, policymakers and practitioners from both the agriculture and forestry sectors. Overwhelmingly, delegates recognized the need for a landscapes approach if we are to overcome climate and development challenges.
2013 has been a year for reflections, celebrations, planning and change – all while conducting high-quality, impact-oriented research. I thank all CIFOR staff for their ongoing commitment and welcome the continued support of all our partners, as we move into a new era.
CIFOR came to life in 1993 with just a handful of staff in offices hosted by Indonesia’s Ministry of Forestry. Twenty years later, CIFOR has over 250 staff at nine locations around the globe. Projects are underway in over 30 countries in collaboration with more than 100 partners, showing that CIFOR is truly a “center without walls.”
The growth in the organization reflects CIFOR’s contributions to forestry-related research, policy and practice. Over the past two decades, CIFOR has helped to put forestry on the world’s agenda and has demonstrated through high-quality science the value of forests for livelihoods and the environment.
The scope of CIFOR’s work is expanding geographically and thematically. In 2013, major research themes included climate change, governance, gender, trade and investment, livelihoods, food security, energy and biofuels, and sustainable landscapes. Scientists are identifying emerging research areas, such as finance, migration and legal frameworks. Projects have been established in countries new to CIFOR, and relationships with local and international partners have been strengthened. CIFOR’s reach is increasingly global.
CIFOR also further strengthened the relevance, impact and quality of its research through new initiatives on evidence-based forestry, impact assessment and outcome mapping.
This annual report not only showcases CIFOR’s work in 2013; it is also a tribute to the past 20 years. The passion and values of those who founded CIFOR continue to guide the organization as CIFOR provides new evidence to inform solutions for the future.
© 2014 Center for International Forestry Research
A member of the CGIAR Consortium